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Freak the Sheep: August 15th, 2018

Shocking Pinks - Double Vision Version
Yumi Zouma - December
SoccerPractise - Kaua E Mate Wheke
IllBaz, Raiza Biza & MeloDownz - Live Stream feat. TEEKS
Green Grove - Final Fantasy
French Concession - Empress
Julien Dyne - Hours feat. Ladi6 (Two Farben Redux) [Live at 95bFM Out on the Freak - 27/06/18]
Lapis - king of the light (feat. Reuben Hudson)
Queen Neptune - Utopia Plus
Unsanitary Napkin - State Psychopathy
Pavlov's Puss - Petty Hedonist
Best Bets - Aerial Photograph
Salad Boys - Jemmies
Connan Mockasin - Con Conn Was Impatient
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - The World Is Crowded
DOG Power - Not Human
Tiny Ruins - How Much