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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 2 December 2018

So good to be back!

The Kids' Show will be broadcasting LIVE from Aotea Square on Sunday 16th December from 7 - 9am! Claudia Gunn and Mr Roberelli will be performing along with Lee hosting the regular Kids' Show fun! There'll be plenty of space to sit, beanbags, coffee and cereal (hopefully) so come on down!

Enid Blyton - Five on a Treasure Island (Ch. 13 & 14)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Bobby & The Bonsters - 5 Fierce Pirates
Taraka - Eardrop
Anika Moa - Colours Are Beautiful
Itty Bitty Beats - Bex the T-Rex
FleaBITE - Fatty Ratty Party
Belle & Sebastian - The Monkeys Are Breaking Out The Zoo
Duncan Morrison - Jasper the Puppy
Ron Valente - Frog Song
Mr Roberelli - Better to be Stationery
Claudia Gunn - One More Story