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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 30 September 2018

The stream wasn't working, being attacked by thugs apparently! We'll get the podcast up as soon as possible. Have a great first week of the holidays!

Enid Blyton - Five on a treasure island (ch. 3 & 4)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Bobby & The Bonsters - 5 Fierce Pirates
Levity Beet - Trampoline
Eardrop - Pere Paihikara
Jimmy Boyd/Gayla Peevy - Kitty In A Basket
Anika Moa - Ko Wai Tou Ingoa
Alma Cogan - In the Middle of the House
Mike Phirman - In Your Biz
The Little City Critters - Monstomping!
Julia Donaldson - The Snail & the Whale
Alan Gregg - Elevator Up, Elevator Down
Kath Bee - What's a Bug
Lauren Child - We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog
Craig Smith - Scariest Thing In The Garden
The Aunties - Tangaroa
Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo