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Heidi Simpson - icy girl (Teddyyy remix)

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Metal Machine Music: August 05 2018

Heldon - Stand By
Gotham City - Swords & Chains
Rainbow - Run With The Wolf
Hawaii - Secret of The Stars
Hellbastard - Kill or Be Killed
Hexx - Suicide
Heresy - More Blood is Shed
Hellwitch - Purveyor of Fear
Hydra Vein - Rabid
Hell - Lethe
Witchfynde - Give em Hell
Wicked Lady - Why Don't You Let Me Try?
WASP - On Your Knees
Judas Priest - Grinder
Manilla Road - Haunted Palace
King Diamond - The Possession
Black Sabbath - Disturbing The Priest
Diamond Head - The Prince
Hollow Ground - The Holy One
Iron Maiden - Transylvania
Mortal Sin. - Woman in Leather