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He Kauhoe I Te Whitu Karaka I Te Ata with Sperber Dan and Laura Biding-Citizen: May 26, 2018

99% Te Reo (well the songs at least) for NZ Music Week. With live waiata from Allana Goldsmith (Sam Swindells on guitar).

Spring Break - Kisses
Allana Goldsmith - Matariki
Dam Native - Whakarongo Mai Nei
Tiki Taane - Tangaroa
SoccerPractise - Amene
Rei - E Ki
Alien Weaponry - Ru Ana Te Whenua
Paddy Free, Richard Nunns, Tiki Taane - Wairua
Whirimako Black - E Taku Tauaro (My Funny Valentine)
Brannigan Kaa - Kia Mahorahora
Jgeeks - Maori Maia
Aotearoa - Harurua Mai
Turakina Sings - E Tipu E Rea
Aotearoa - Tihei Mauri Ora
Alien Weaponry - Kai Tangata
Che Fu - He Kotahi (As One)
Allana Goldsmith - Iri Ngakau (Suspended Hearts) - live on 7am Swim
Allana Goldsmith - Hikoi Tatou
Allana Goldsmith - He Ra Ki Tua
Rob Ruha - I Te Po - Ru Cru Mix
TrinityRoots - Aotearoa (Live Wellington Town Hall)
SoccerPractise - Haere Mai e Tama