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The 95bFM Kids' Show - 10 December 2017

One more week to go! Come on down to Aotea Square this Sunday, 17th December from 7am for more Kids' Show than you can shake a stick at!

Enid Blyton - Folk of the Faraway Tree (ch 18, 19 & 20)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Bobby and the Bonsters - 5 Coconuts
Petite Music Box - Caravan Master
Chanelle Davis - If I was a Fuzzy Wuzzy Bumblebee
Kath Bee - Brand New Shoes
Julia Donaldson - The Gruffalo
Captain Festus McBoyle - Scary pirates
Alan Gregg - Grandma Says Oo-hoo!
Dan & Dani - Do The Dinosaur Stomp!
Stan Freberg - Banana Boat Song