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SOPHIE - Reason Why (feat. Kim Petras & BC Kingdom)

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bReviews: the new online home for all music, theatre & comedy show/gig reviews on 95bFM. 

95bFM have successfully run a gig review programme for musicians across Tāmaki Makaurau for over a year now, opening up submissions to independent musicians earlier this year. Now, it’s time to take one further giant leap for independent-radio-review kind. Introducing ‘bReviews’: an online review programme not only for music events, but now for theatre shows and comedy gigs too! 95bFM has always championed the independent arts scene, and we can’t wait to do it a whole lot more through the expansion of bReviews. 

If you have a show/gig coming up - let us know about it. We have a large base of reviewers & photographers so get in touch today! Whether it’s a small, big or medium sized show/gig, we will endeavour to review it. 

What you have to do to get a review:
1. Email at least 2 weeks prior to the gig and tell us about the gig you want reviewed. If you are not sure what to put in the email here is a template you can use and edit!

(Email Template) (Email Template), 25.51 KB

2. If we are able to review your gig then you will need to give us a couple of tickets to the gig for a writer and photographer. 

3. That's it!

We can’t promise we can review every gig but we will try our very best! If you have any more questions about this process then you can email Kaitlyn for more info.

If you would like to start reviewing/photographing gigs for us then sign up to be a 95bFM volunteer here.