Youngs and Meek - Part III
Alastair Galbraith, Alex Neilson, Richard Youngs - idumea
Pumice - Pipi
Mouth Erect - Voyage
Omit - Back Swing
Peter Wright - Folksong For Contradiction
Tim Coster - Ocean Liner
Rodi Kirk & Aron Ottignon - Sp 1.4
Greg Malcolm - Staring at the Sun
Maxine Funke - Crab Song
Graeme Jefferies - The Simple Tapestry of Fate
Bailter Space - Galaxy
Aldous Harding - Imagining My Man
Bird Nest Roys - Severed Days
Robert Scott - Lazy Boy
David Kilgour - Fallaway
Roy Montgomery - Just Melancholy
Tiny Ruins - Cat In The Hallway
GoodRockn - Country Calendar Chopped and Screwed