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The Big Shift: how the government is moving away from roads and embracing public transports

The Big Shift: how the government is moving away from roads and embracing public transports

The Big Shift: how the government is moving away from roads and embracing public transports The Big Shift: how the government is moving away from roads and embracing public transports, 9.4 MB
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

On Tuesday, the government presented its 10-years draft policy on land transport. While we don't know if we agree with Transport Minister Phil Twyford's claim that it is "changing the world", it is definitely changing New Zealand's transport priorities. 

State highways improvement funding is set to decrease by 11%, while funding for public transport will go up by 46%. 

Part of the added expenditure will come from a new national fuel tax.

Our producer Lisa Boudet spoke with Associate Transport Minister Jullie Anne Genter, and discussed new horizons and what it means for Kiwis.