NZIFF bMovies w/ Paul Oremland and Penelope Noir: July 26, 2017
NZIFF bMovies w/ Paul Oremland and Penelope Noir: July 26, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Director Paul Oremland talks to us about his new documentary, 100 Men, which looks at 40 years of gay history via the lens of (and honest interviews with) Oremland’s list of past lovers. As people, societal norms, and countries age, how does that affect identity, community and freedom? Penelope Noir also joins us in the studio to review a doco that contains her specialist subject: feshun. Not just for couture hounds, the story of fashion designer Zac Posen is a classically American rise-fall-rise tale as told by Sandy Chronopoulos in her new documentary, House of Z.