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Dunedin hospital cuts in the government’s larger policy approach w/ PhD candidate and researcher at the University of Otago, Michael Swanson: 1st October, 2024

Dunedin hospital cuts in the government’s larger policy approach w/ PhD candidate and researcher at the University of Otago, Michael Swanson: 1st October, 2024

Dunedin hospital cuts in the government’s larger policy approach w/ PhD candidate and researcher at the University of Otago, Michael Swanson: 1st October, 2024 Dunedin hospital cuts in the government’s larger policy approach w/ PhD candidate and researcher at the University of Otago, Michael Swanson: 1st October, 2024, 11.21 MB
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Last week, the government announced that planned developments to Dunedin’s hospital may exceed the planned budget of $1.88 billion, and reach as much as $3 billion. As such, ministers Chris Bishop and Shane Reti announced that the plans may require reductions or an extended timeframe. 

The announcement was met with mass opposition both on social media and in public, with some 35,000 protestors turning out on the streets of Dunedin on Saturday to march against the change.

The current government has been controversial for a range of its other policy decisions as well, particularly for how these policies shape up to campaign promises and expectations. 

While under delivery on campaign promises is not uncommon in politics, it can hurt a party when it comes to re-election, especially when it comes to regions like Dunedin which may see less directed policies than major centres like Auckland. 

Wire host Castor spoke to PhD candidate and researcher at the University of Otago, Michael Swanson, about the politics of this government and how the Dunedin hospital development plays into things moving into the next election.