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Benefit Sanctions, EPA Cuts and Speed Limits w The Green Party's Ricardo Menendez-March.mp3

Benefit Sanctions, EPA Cuts and Speed Limits w/ The Green Party's Ricardo Menendez-March

Benefit Sanctions, EPA Cuts and Speed Limits w The Green Party's Ricardo Menendez-March.mp3 mp3, 22.28 MB
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The government recently announced that they would be introducing a “traffic light” sanction system for people on the jobseeker support benefit who did not fulfil their obligations as beneficiaries. This includes a green level for compliant beneficiaries and an orange and red level for beneficiaries who haven’t met their obligations and who may face sanctions.

For their weekly catch up, Oto spoke to Green Party MP Ricardo Menendez-March to discuss his thoughts on the newly introduced sanctions. 

They also had a chat about job cuts at the Environmental Protection Agency and the party’s petition calling for Simeon Brown’s speed limit increases to be rolled back.