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Who's telling 'porkies' now?

Who's telling 'porkies' now? Who's telling 'porkies' now?, 36.71 MB
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

We speak to lawyer Graeme Edgeler about The Taxpayers' Union 'invoicing' Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei, saying she must pay back the "money she stole from taxpayers", before she can have any credibility as a Member of Parliament. They put the figure at $57,000 but Edgeler says that number doesn't add up.

The statment is referring to Turei's admission that when she was a solo mum in the early 90's she lied to WINZ about her living situation so that her benefit wouldn't get cut. 

We then speak to the Executive Director of The Taxpayers Union about Edgeler’s concerns with the figures, and our own calculations which showed the figure to be much lower.