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Kainga Ora w Vanessa Cole

Kainga Ora w/ Vanessa Cole

Kainga Ora w Vanessa Cole Kainga Ora w Vanessa Cole, 29.64 MB
Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Last week, an independent review was conducted into Kainga Ora, homes and communities, by former Prime Minister Bill English. The review made the claim that Kainga Ora was financially unviable, and made seven recommendations to the government aimed at improving the agency’s financial performance, of which the government has agreed to implement four. 


However, social housing advocates have expressed concern regarding the review and government response, saying that it would undermine the construction of social housing and give the Government the ability to sell Kainga Ora properties to private developers. 


Rachel spoke to Vanessa Cole, a spokesperson for public housing, to gather her perspectives on the review of Kainga Ora, and what it means for social housing development in Aotearoa.