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The planet is in the throes of a water crisis and it is only going to get worse

The planet is in the throes of a water crisis and it is only going to get worse

The planet is in the throes of a water crisis and it is only going to get worse The planet is in the throes of a water crisis and it is only going to get worse, 27.21 MB
Thursday, June 29, 2017

The United Nations, the World Bank and many experts are warning that the planet is in the throes of a water crisis and it is only going to get worse. United nations secretary-general Antonio Guterras says that by 2050 global demand for fresh water will grow by more than 40% and a quarter of countries will lack sufficient supply. Bolivian President Evo Morales says that if present water consumption patterns continue, two thirds of earth's population will face daily water shortages by 2025. Producer Reuben McLaren spoke to Professor Michael Young of Adelaide University and Guy Salmon of New Zealand's Ecologic Foundation about these water crises and the impact on New Zealand.