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Marnie Prickett on National and Act’s Intentions Around Aotearoa’s Water Sources: 14 September, 2023

Marnie Prickett on National and Act’s Intentions Around Aotearoa’s Water Sources: 14 September, 2023

Marnie Prickett on National and Act’s Intentions Around Aotearoa’s Water Sources: 14 September, 2023 Marnie Prickett on National and Act’s Intentions Around Aotearoa’s Water Sources: 14 September, 2023, 7.12 MB
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Beth recently spoke with Organiser and Spokesperson for Choose Clean Water, Marnie Prickett, about the Public Health Communication Centre’s survey about political parties’ plans to protect Aotearoa’s drinking water sources.

The survey showed that Greens, Te Pati Māori and Labour had the best policies for this, while National and Act had little to no plans to protect Aotearoa’s drinking water.

Since then, National and ACT have spoken about their intentions surrounding protecting the health of Aotearoa’s water. Beth caught up with Marnie Prickett again to talk about this.