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Crescent Under The Southern Cross w/ Dr. Simon Wilmot. Part Two: April 27, 2023

Crescent Under The Southern Cross w/ Dr. Simon Wilmot. Part Two: 27 April, 2023

Crescent Under The Southern Cross w/ Dr. Simon Wilmot. Part Two: April 27, 2023 Part Two: April 27, 2023, 20.23 MB
Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Crescent Under the Southern Cross  is a short documentary that tells the story of Four muslim men who served for the Australian Defence Force during World War two. Last week, the director of the film, Dr. Simon Wilmot spoke about why these men were in Australia, and what they did during the war. This week in part two, Dr. Wilmot highlights how these men were treated after the war, and the effect the White Australia immigration policy had on them. He also discusses why it is important to remember these men's stories. This week he begins by sharing what was promised to them upon their return.