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Fuck Off Fascism week: Fascism and the arts

Fuck Off Fascism week: Fascism and the arts

Fuck Off Fascism week: Fascism and the arts Fuck Off Fascism week: Fascism and the arts, 23.35 MB
Friday, May 26, 2017

If you’ve been listening to The Wire much over the past couple of days, then you’ll know we’re currently coming to the end of Fuck Off Fascism Week. Each day on the show we’ve unpacked different ideas around the concept of fascism, including its history, how it exists today, and how it interacts with the media and the arts. Today on the show, we look at the relationship between the arts and Fascism, musical protests and propaganda. We speak to Dr. Ciara Cremlin, a sociology professor at the University of Auckland who chats to us about how the arts ties into Fascism historically and today.