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Ocean warming rate predicted to quadruple by 2090 w/ Dr Kevin Trenberth: October 19, 2022

Ocean warming rate predicted to quadruple by 2090 w/ Dr Kevin Trenberth: October 19, 2022

Ocean warming rate predicted to quadruple by 2090 w/ Dr Kevin Trenberth: October 19, 2022 Ocean warming rate predicted to quadruple by 2090 w/ Dr Kevin Trenberth: October 19, 2022, 16 MB
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

A new comprehensive review of global ocean temperature data has allowed researchers to paint a clear picture of ocean warming since the 1950s, and predict future warming scenarios. 

They found that if we don’t take action, the rate of ocean warming will be four times larger than the current level by 2090, with dire consequences for all life on Earth. 

However, Authors also point out that if the world succeeds in limiting global surface temperature to 2°C above pre-industrial levels, as per the Paris Agreement, the acceleration of ocean warming will stop at around 2030, highlighting the need for urgent action to mitigate climate change

Joe spoke to Dr Kevin Trenberth, from the University of Auckland, who co-authored the study on the matter