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Fair Pay Agreement for Hospitality Workers w/ Unite Union’s John Crocker: October 12, 2022

Fair Pay Agreement for Hospitality Workers w/ Unite Union’s John Crocker: October 12, 2022

Fair Pay Agreement for Hospitality Workers w/ Unite Union’s John Crocker: October 12, 2022 Fair Pay Agreement for Hospitality Workers w/ Unite Union’s John Crocker: October 12, 2022, 9.99 MB
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Figures from the hospitality job platform Barcats have shown the industry is short by 30,000 workers.

But John Crocker from Unite Union says the industry's current wages do not reflect this critical need for staff. 

"What the industry needs to do to attract workers is lift wages and conditions. The industry has had forever to do this, and it simply hasn't."

The Government's proposed Fair Pay Agreements Bill, currently awaiting its second reading, would provide a framework for collective bargaining for fair pay agreements across industries like hospo. 

News & Editorial Director Jessica Hopkins spoke to Crocker about the union's campaign for a Fair Pay Agreement for hospo workers, which they say is the best way to resolve ongoing shortages in the sector.