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ActionStation First Union BusFair Campaign w/Louisa Jones

ActionStation First Union BusFair Campaign w/Louisa Jones

ActionStation First Union BusFair Campaign w/Louisa Jones ActionStation First Union BusFair Campaign w/Louisa Jones, 22.11 MB
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Public transport is crucial in the fight against climate change, making our cities more liveable and supporting sustainable mobility for vulnerable and low-income communities.

However bus drivers, passengers and the environment have been victims of a decades-long experiment in privatisation. 

In July 2021 FIRST Union’s #BusFair campaign called for the Ministry of Transport to abolish the current tendering model (the “PTOM”), massively increase investment in public transport, and work together with stakeholders to bring our public transport back into public ownership.

Trishil spoke to Louisa Jones from First Union on the matter for this weeks delayed ActionStation.