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The New Grocery Commissioner w/ Consumer NZ's Jon Duffy: July 7, 2022

The New Grocery Commissioner w/ Consumer NZ's Jon Duffy: July 7, 2022

The New Grocery Commissioner w/ Consumer NZ's Jon Duffy: July 7, 2022 The New Grocery Commissioner w/ Consumer NZ's Jon Duffy: July 7, 2022, 19.11 MB
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Following March’s Commerce Commission inquiry which found that the two big supermarket chains, Woolworths and Foodstuffs, were using their dominant market position to push excess costs and uncertainty onto suppliers, the government has made steps towards increasing competition in the supermarket industry.

One of the steps was announced yesterday - introducing a grocery commissioner and a mandatory code of conduct to ensure suppliers to supermarkets get a fair deal.

Emilia Sullivan spoke to Chief Executive of Consumer NZ, Jon Duffy about the grocery watchdog and code of conduct.