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The U.S Supreme Court Ruling on the Environmental Protection Agency w/ Kevin Trenberth: July 7, 2022

The U.S Supreme Court Ruling on the Environmental Protection Agency w/ Kevin Trenberth: July 7, 2022

The U.S Supreme Court Ruling on the Environmental Protection Agency w/ Kevin Trenberth: July 7, 2022 S Supreme Court Ruling on the Environmental Protection Agency w/ Kevin Trenberth: July 7, 2022, 31.99 MB
Thursday, July 7, 2022

In its first full term with a six-justice conservative majority, the Supreme Court spent the last few days of their sitting issuing far-reaching decisions that will transform American life. Last week we spoke about the court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade, leaving abortion rights up to states to decide.

They also ruled in the case of West Virginia vs. the Environmental Protection Agency, which held that the Obama-era Clean Power Plan exceeded the U.S. EPA’s authority under the Clean Air Act.

Kevin Trenberth was involved in the earlier stages of this case prior to it heading to the Supreme Court, and Emilia Sullivan spoke to him about what this ruling told us, and what it means for climate change in the future.