The Wire w/ Casper: June 3rd, 2022
The Wire w/ Casper: June 3rd, 2022
The Wire w/ Casper: June 3rd, 2022Friday, June 3, 2022
We've got a nice range of climates stories, policy discussions, and more to end off The Wire this week!
Casper talked to Auckland city counsellor Pippa Coom about Phil Goff’s proposed climate action budget.
Liam spoke to Liam Martin from Victoria University of Wellington about the Clean Slate scheme.
Casper also spoke to Abdur Razzaq from the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand about the delay of a recommended intelligence and security agency,
Liam also had a chat with Professor Craig Stevens on the recently discovered Amphipod ecosystem under Antarctica.
And finally Casper spoke to Tom Kay from Forest and Bird about wetland preservation.