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ORS and Addressing Suspension w/ Nick Bowden: May 19, 2022

ORS and Addressing Suspension w/ Nick Bowden: May 19, 2022

ORS and Addressing Suspension w/ Nick Bowden: May 19, 2022 ORS and Addressing Suspension w/ Nick Bowden: May 19, 2022, 23.21 MB
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Autistic students are nearly three times more likely to be suspended from school than their nonautistic peers, finds a New Zealand study that linked data from more than 730,000 students. However, the researchers also revealed that autistic students who received high-need Ongoing Resourcing Scheme funding had significantly lower odds of being suspended compared to autistic children without these funds. 

Joe spoke to Nick Bowden, a research fellow from the university of Otago, who was a part of the study.