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Anchor Damage at Picton Harbour w/ Sally Watson: 13th of May, 2022

Anchor Damage at Picton Harbour w/ Sally Watson: 13th of May, 2022

Anchor Damage at Picton Harbour w/ Sally Watson: 13th of May, 2022 Anchor Damage at Picton Harbour w/ Sally Watson: 13th of May, 2022, 21.2 MB
Friday, May 13, 2022

Researchers from UoA, AUT and the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research have recently discovered the levels of damage that anchors are causing to Picton Harbour.

Anchors are destroying parts of seabed, and producing amounts of sediment that could supposedly fill an olympic  swimming pool. 

The researchers believe that this issue could be seen in worse states around the world, Considering Picton harbour is generally lower congestion compared to ports of Wellington and Los Angeles.

Liam spoke to NIWA  lead researcher and UoA professor Sally Watson about what the study means and what it could predict for anchor damage around the world.