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How To Find Support: The Impact 'Red' Has on the Art, Music and Events Sector: February 01, 2022

How To Find Support: The Impact 'Red' Has on the Art, Music and Events Sector: February 01, 2022

How To Find Support: The Impact 'Red' Has on the Art, Music and Events Sector: February 01, 2022 How To Find Support: The Impact 'Red' Has on the Art, Music and Events Sector: February 01, 2022, 12.47 MB
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Last week, News and Editorial Director Jemima Huston spoke to the event directors for Splore, The Others Way and Freaks Out East, as well as musician and artist Jazmine-Mary about how moving to the red setting had impacted the music, arts and events sector. The general consensus was that there is very little government support for the sector's workers who are now unable to find consistent work under red. 

Despite many similar stories circulating the news and social media last week, there has still been no targeted support announcements made by the government. So, Jemima wanted to focus on what resources are available to help people working in this industry right now. She interviews Sarin Moddle, a freelance tour manager and promoter representative, about where industry workers can go to find support and how the public can help. 

If you are a member of the arts, music and events industry here are some helpful tips from Sarin:

If you are interested in supporting this call for help from the music, arts and events industry please go to to sign the peition calling for support payments for workers and businesses unable to operate under the red setting. You can also go to to sign Jazmine Mary's petition calling for better support for artists during the pandemic. 

To check out last weeks podcast on this issue, click here.