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Hit & Run inquiry ruled out

Hit & Run inquiry ruled out

Hit & Run inquiry ruled out Hit & Run inquiry ruled out , 6.41 MB
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Yesterday Prime Minister Bill English announced that there will be no Government inquiry into the allegations made in Nicky Hager and John Stephenson’s book “Hit & Run”. The book alleges possible war crimes were committed by New Zealand troops in Afghanistan in 2010 and called for an inquiry into the SAS raids. Bill English, however, says there is no basis for launching an inquiry following a detailed briefing from the defence force. English says what the defence force have outlined publicly are facts, and that there is no evidence they are covering up evidence around the 2010 operation. He added the allegations in the book are flawed and labeled “Hit & Run” a widely inaccurate piece of journalism. Inquiries are still taking place around allegations of New Zealand forces beating and transferring a prisoner into potential torture. Reporter Sam Smith spoke to Hager about the announcement.