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The Wire with Bronwyn, September 23, 2020

The Wire with Bronwyn, September 23, 2020

The Wire with Bronwyn, September 23, 2020 The Wire with Bronwyn, September 23, 2020, 99.3 MB
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

This week on the Wire, Dear Science's Marcus Jones tells Bronwyn about the Ig Nobel Prize winners, genetic discoveries about Vikings and IBM’s 1000-quibit quantum computer. 

Bronwyn speaks to NZFirst’s Tracey Martin about the Māori Party’s proposal for a new, independent 'Mokopuna Māori Entity' to replace Oranga-Tamariki.  

Election coverage this week is health and the referenda, so Bronwyn also speak to Minister Martin about the end of life choice bill and recreational cannabis.  

Then, Felix speaks to Lukas Marek, a researcher at the University of Canterbury, about childhood immunisation.

Lastly, Bronwyn speaks to lawyer Catherine Marks who fact-checks some of the claims made about the End of Life Choice Bill by anti-assisted dying campaign group ‘votesafe’.