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Gender Politics: The Case of Ardern and Collins: July 17, 2020

Gender Politics: The Case of Ardern and Collins: July 17, 2020

Gender Politics: The Case of Ardern and Collins: July 17, 2020 Gender Politics: The Case of Ardern and Collins: July 17, 2020, 19.43 MB
Friday, July 17, 2020

With the announcement this week that Judith Collins will lead the National Party as Leader of the Opposition into the upcoming election, Jemima Huston has been thinking about gender politics. Is it unusual to have two women in the top spots of the major parliamentary parties? How does the public respond to women leaders? Does the media frame women politicians differently to their men counterparts? Victoria Univeristy of Wellington Politics Lecturer Dr Claire Timperley speaks to Jemima about these issues. They discuss gender stereotypes, representation and policy made by women.