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Community-Led Initiatives with Dr. Shyamal Das: Friday the 27th of March

Community-Led Initiatives with Dr. Shyamal Das: Friday the 27th of March

Community-Led Initiatives with Dr. Shyamal Das: Friday the 27th of March Shyamal Das: Friday the 27th of March , 10.43 MB
Friday, March 27, 2020

Yesterday, the government made the announcement that social services and community groups will get $27 million to continue providing services as New Zealand begins its lockdown, or rāhui. 

Up to $16 million will go to supporting people at risk through uncertain circumstances and respond to increased demand. $6 million will go to disability community participation providers and $4.8 million to community-led solutions to support local resilience. 

One such solution is coming out of the University of Otago; hand sanitiser produced in-house and in record time by the School of Pharmacy's senior lecturer and his team of research students.

I spoke with Dr. Shyamal Das, the senior lecturer behind the initiative. He specialises in respiratory drug delivery around lung diseases & infections, & hopes to continue his work & help out in this pandemic...