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The Wire with Laura: 22nd of November, 2019

The Wire with Laura: 22nd of November, 2019

The Wire with Laura: 22nd of November, 2019 The Wire with Laura: 22nd of November, 2019, 109.88 MB
Friday, November 22, 2019

On the wire today: 


First up, The National Party’s, Denise Lee, joins us for our weekly chat. She talks about the decision to scrap the ban on parliamentary tv footage for political advertising, the conflict of interest in the provincial growth fund and the recent meeting Denise has had in Mount Wellington after a survey from the public where some are saying the area is not receiving enough attention in regards to crime and safety. 

Then, Laura Kvigstad has a chat with the National Secretary of the New Zealand Resident Doctors Association, Deborah Powell about the spike in violence towards hospital staff. 

After that, producer, Bronnie Wilde speaks with CEO of Consumer NZ, Sue Chetwin, about how 9 Sunscreens have failed to provide the coverage claimed on the label.     

And Finally, producer, Benjamin Goldson discusses the ongoing unrest and violence in Bolivia in a new segment of Neutral Corner to round out the show.