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The Wire with Laura: 27th of September, 2019

The Wire with Laura: 27th of September, 2019

The Wire with Laura: 27th of September, 2019 The Wire with Laura: 27th of September, 2019, 108.95 MB
Friday, September 27, 2019

First up, The National Party’s, Denise Lee, joins us to discuss National being told to take their 'attack ads' down by speaker, Trevor Mallard and the recent criticism from National around governments recent steps to implement a bottle depot. 

Next, following along with our local election coverage, mayoral candidates Tricia Cheel and Genevieve Forde join us for a brief insight into their policies. 


After that, Bronnie Wilde gives a quick report on the climate emergency strike in Auckland before we live cross down to Queen street where she gives some insight on to what the strike was like. 

Finally, for neutral corner, Benjamin J Goldson covers the protests over in Egypt which has seen nearly 2,000 activists detained.