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Whenua ki te whenua w/ Tina Ngata: July 29, 2019

Whenua ki te whenua w/ Tina Ngata: July 29, 2019

Whenua ki te whenua w/ Tina Ngata: July 29, 2019 Whenua ki te whenua w/ Tina Ngata: July 29, 2019, 17.51 MB

Tina Ngata is an indigenous rights advocate. She has been at Ihumātao since late last week. She is also involved in the Hands Off Our Tamariki movement. Yesterday at Ihumātao, Leonie Pihama who is also part of the Hands Off Our Tamariki rōpu spoke about whenua and whenua. Whenua as land, and whenua as the placenta - the very thing that keeps babies alive inside the womb. The very real connection of whakapapa between land and mokopuna. Hands Off Our Tamariki are presenting their open letter to parliament tomorrow following the uproar at Oranga Tamariki that came after New Zealand witnessed the practice of uplifting a baby from its mother in a Newsroom investigation. Lillian Hanly speaks with Tina to understand the relationship between the SOUL issue at Ihumātao and the Hands Off Our Tamariki issue.