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The Wire with Laura: July 19th, 2019

The Wire with Laura: July 19th, 2019

The Wire with Laura: July 19th, 2019 The Wire with Laura: July 19th, 2019, 102.12 MB
Friday, July 19, 2019

The full show podcast for July 18th, 2019. First, National Party Member, Denise Lee, joins us to discuss governments clean vehicle initiative and why National isn't on board with the idea.

Then, for poll position we discuss the question "do you support a transition to electric vehicles?", where the boys get distracted by an arbortist working next to the studio.

After that, Louis Laws speaks to Auckland Councils General Manager of Democratic Services, Marguerite Delbet about the local election happening in October.

Next, Climate Justice Taranaki spokesperson Urs Signer, tells us about the new oil drilling that has commenced off the Taranaki coast. Unfortunately we had to fade out early on his interview but it is podcast in full if you'd like to jump over here

Finally, Ben Goldson caps off the show with This Day In History where he talks about Northern Ireland's ceasefire in 1997.