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Cocktail Corner: w/ Tom & Teeling Irish Whiskey; March 14, 2019

Cocktail Corner: w/ Tom & Teeling Irish Whiskey; March 14, 2019

Cocktail Corner: w/ Tom & Teeling Irish Whiskey; March 14, 2019 Cocktail Corner: w/ Tom & Teeling Irish Whiskey; March 14, 2019, 30.46 MB
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Tom makes a Teeling Irish Whiskey Smash.

Into a boston shaker full of ice add:

45 ml x Teeling Irish Whiskey

20 ml x Peychauds Aperitivo

10 ml x Lemon juice

1 dash Fee Brothers bitters

Shake, and strain into tumbler over ice. 

Top with Fentimans Pink Grapefruit Tonic.

Powerful and refreshing.