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The Wire with Lisa: Tuesday February 26th, 2019

The Wire with Lisa: Tuesday February 26th, 2019

The Wire with Lisa: Tuesday February 26th, 2019 The Wire with Lisa: Tuesday February 26th, 2019, 108.86 MB
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

To start the show off, we have a quick recap on Finance Minister Grant Robertson’s speech to the business community this morning at Eden Park

Then we discuss poor housing conditions through the lense of the government's recent announcement of a plan and a schedule for healthier homes, and the coincidental release of a report on the cost of unhealthy dwellings.

Lillian Hanly talks to our correspondent in Europe, Mary-Margaret Slack about the latest Brexit developments.

We keep it international and we head to Cuba for a report on this weekend’s vote on a new Constitution for the island.

On the Green Desk this week: Mitchell talks to Puna Wano-Bryant about the recently formed role of Kaitiaki Whenua Ranger under Te Kahui o Taranaki