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Coldcut Solid Steel: Saturday October 6, 2018

Coldcut Solid Steel: Saturday October 6, 2018

Coldcut Solid Steel: Saturday October 6, 2018 Coldcut Solid Steel: Saturday October 6, 2018, 268.85 MB
Saturday, October 6, 2018

 In Hour 1 it's Etch celebrating the release of his debut LP Ups & Downs' on Sneaker Social Club. He began producing in his bedroom at the age of 12 after the infectious curiosity of early 00’s drum & bass, hip hop and experimental electronic music. As time developed and he carved a taste in music through garage, grime, dubstep and hip hop, he began to amalgamate his past into his productions releasing on Keysound, Lapsus, Sony Space + Time, Sunday Best & Soundman Chronicles to name a few. He told us;
"As with most studio recorded mixes I try to capture whatever frame of mind I’m in production-wise at that moment. I’ve tried to combine what I play in clubs with some further reaching headphone music. I like the idea of being blasted into space through your headphones, I love sinking into the background listening to music when im walking around or travelling, let the music dictate where I go. The mix contains classics, new founds favs, unreleased cuts and some blends I’ve been having fun with. I feel a lot of mixes suffer from being a whole hour of waiting for something to happen these days as people monotonously and elegantly transverse 120bpm to 130bpm, the mixes that used to jump out at me when I was younger were the ones where things would just jump out and kick you in the face, not necessarily been done with much technical prowess, and leave you with a smile. So yeah expect a lot of kicks in the face etc…"

In Hour 2 we welcome Maarja Nuut and Hendrik Kaljujärv aka Ruum who release their collaborative album 'Muunduja’, today on  130701 an imprint of FatCat Records.The stunning album was recorded in July 2017 at Peeter Salmela's studio in Kalamaja, Tallinn. The duo was joined there by producer Howie B, who inspired the artists to use more than their standard repertoire of instruments. Maarja Nuut sings, plays violin and different keyboards. Ruum plays different analogue and digital synthesizers; various field recordings and “found sounds” were employed where appropriate. They had this to say;
"As the weather changes, perception seems to follow. Surroundings become a little muffled and focus moves inwards, it’s like a sneaking preparation for coming ‘kaamos’ - translated literally, it means (winter) darkness. The way from my home to studio runs along the coast line of Tallinn, it’s about a 40-minute stroll that I often pass with - I call it - walking music. So it’s a selection of hypnotising rhythms that I like to move along with, embellished with picks from archives, outer environments, some cosy sounding synth loops and one ballad."