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Worry Week: 1080 drop over the Hunua Ranges w/ Kevin Hague and Tina Ngata

Worry Week: 1080 drop over the Hunua Ranges w/ Kevin Hague and Tina Ngata

Worry Week: 1080 drop over the Hunua Ranges w/ Kevin Hague and Tina Ngata Worry Week: 1080 drop over the Hunua Ranges w/ Kevin Hague and Tina Ngata, 7.01 MB
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Auckland Council is planning an aerial drop of 1080 poison over the Hunua Ranges in southeast Auckland.  This is the second 1080 operation on the Hunua Ranges, with the last one in 2015. Justin talked to Forest and Bird spokesperson Kevin Hague on the effects of the drop, and researcher Tina Ngata on why some people oppose using 1080.