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Tenancy law review, have a say! : August, 29, 2018

Tenancy law review, have a say! : August, 29, 2018

Tenancy law review, have a say! : August, 29, 2018 Tenancy law review, have a say! : August, 29, 2018, 4.3 MB
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

One third of New Zealanders, including 43% of children, live in rental homes. 

This trend is at odds with the Kiwi dream (and expected reality) of owning a white-picket-fence villa by the time you reach 30.

As society shifts, regulations stay the same. Which is why the government wishes to review the current legislation, and make it more accurate. 

Proposals have been made, areas are being looked into, and consultation is on its way, until October 21st. 

Producer Lisa Boudet delves into the proposed changes, and the reactions on either side of the spectrum.