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The Ministry of Social Development slammed for wrongful debt recovery: Wednesday, 4th July 2018

The Ministry of Social Development slammed for wrongful debt recovery: Wednesday, 4th July 2018

The Ministry of Social Development slammed for wrongful debt recovery: Wednesday, 4th July 2018 The Ministry of Social Development slammed for wrongful debt recovery: Wednesday, 4th July 2018, 21.33 MB
Wednesday, July 4, 2018


The High Court ruled against the Ministry of Social Development in a case of wrongful debt recovery. 

The MSD was asking a solo mother of two to repay more than a $100,000 of perceived benefit, after finding out the mom had contracted loans and used a credit card. 

The High Court's jugement, which should have lasting effects, reminded the MSD that loans, which constitute debt, cannot be classified as income. 

Our producer Lisa Boudet speaks with barrister Catriona MacLennan about the implications of this ruling and the current mind frame of the MSD.