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Word Salad

Amelia D'Screte teaches us about where words come from.

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 17, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 17, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 17, 2020, 15.46 MB
Wed 17 Jun 2020

You know when one word has two meanings and those two meanings oppose each other? Did you know there's a word for that? Amelia's talking contronym's, aka the Janus word or an auto-antonym.

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 10, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 10, 202 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 10, 202, 28.15 MB
Wed 10 Jun 2020

Amelia joins us with the history of the logy, often confused with the ology

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 3, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 3, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: June 3, 2020, 20.4 MB
Wed 3 Jun 2020

Amelia is making sounds, words that sound like sounds or words that describe sounds. But strictly not onomatopoeia. Does anyone know how to pronouce psithurism?

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 20, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 20, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 20, 2020, 21.83 MB
Wed 20 May 2020

We have to start with a content warning, as Amelia brings us the scoop on minced oaths. Flipping heck.

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 13, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 13, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 13, 2020, 21.13 MB
Wed 13 May 2020

Amelia explains rebracketing to us. What does it mean? Why is a hamburger called a hamburger if it doesn't have any ham in it? It's all too confusing.

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 6, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 6, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: May 6, 2020, 21.32 MB
Wed 6 May 2020

Amelia's come to us with a disclaimer so be warned. Today's word is jazz, while also touching on jizz. Nice.

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 29, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 29, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 29, 2020, 22.9 MB
Wed 29 Apr 2020

This week Amelia's giving us a fast but informative lesson on the months of the year. Where did the names come from? Do we really need 12 of them? ...what even is time? Yikes.

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 22, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 22, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 22, 2020, 12.82 MB
Wed 22 Apr 2020

Amelia's joining us this week with a very topical word. Today we're talking Quarantine

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 15, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 15, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 15, 2020, 12.06 MB
Wed 15 Apr 2020

We've got another lesson with Amelia this week, learning the origins of the word dunce. Tune in so you can impress your friends with some fruity new words.

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 8, 2020

Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 8, 2020 Word Salad w/ Amelia D'Screte: April 8, 2020, 15.32 MB
Wed 8 Apr 2020

Another spread of Word Salad to get you through the weeks. Amelia joins us with chiaroscuro, impasto, ekphrasis and gestalt. Tune in to find out what on earth we're talking about.