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Every Wednesday evening a guest selector joins Tuva'a on 95bFM Drive to spin a few of their favorite tunes.
Reuben from Totems selects some nice experimental ambient jams.
Sam & Rory from Dateless join the boys to chat about thier recent trip to Aussie + their upcoming album release.
Doug the newest bFM staff member selects some tunes!
Surf reporter Pete and band join us play some gnarly tunes.
Leonard from the news team joins Big Hungry to guest select some tunes.
Louisa Nicklin selects a few tunes to accompany dinner at her place.
Bronwyn from the news team guest selects some music
Jason and Bevan from the band Hunt The Witch share some jams
From bFM's news room, Liv and Izzy join the boys and share some tunes
Smooth selections