Last week the Climate Change Commission released its draft advice to inform the direction to achieving the Government’s Emissions targets for 2026 to 2030. It called for strong and urgent changes to emissions reduction policies as well as reforms to the Emissions Trading Scheme.
In our weekly chat with the Green Party co-leader, Emilia Sullivan spoke to James Shaw about the Climate Change Commission’s advice.
This week for our weekly chat with James Shaw, Emilia Sullivan chats to the Green Party co-leader about the Green’s list selection, the climate news coming out of the UN General Assembly, a farewell to Jacinda Ardern, and more.
In this week’s chat with the co-leader of the Green Party, Emilia spoke with James Shaw about this week’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shows we only have a small window remaining to avoid the planet warming 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, and how his party thinks our progress on emissions reductions has gone.
In their first weekly interview of this year, Emilia Sullivan chats with Green Party co-leader James Shaw about Chris Hipkins’ so-called policy bonfire, the debate around mitigation and adaptation policies, and the importance of amplifying the youth voice in politics.
Felix talks to Green Party co-leader James Shaw about the recently postponed Dawn Raids apology, last week's Wellington COVID-19 case, and criticism of police detaining children within adult cells.