A crafty little competition, where trinkets are created by our goblin friends, and presented humbly for judgment to almighty Breakfast overlord Rachel and the Breakfast bean counter Stella. The losing craft is then sentenced to destruction via the hammer of doom.
Annabel and Callum are back in the studio giving us their ‘last minute homework’ themed solar system dioramas. They took that brief very seriously, and eggs were sacrificed to the Goblin overlords. Whakarongo mai nei!
The Hobby Goblins return to show us their gem art, category; Rogue Kmart. An unprecented tie leads to Stella choosing the winner with divine birthday power. Check out our Instagram for visual aides. Whakarongo mai nei!
Hobby Goblins wade their way through parking on UoA campus to bring us arguably the highest Goblin Factor crafts yet- melancholy pom poms. Whakarongo mai nei!
The Hobby Goblins boil and toil (literally), to create pasta art, theme; industrial. The listeners provide even more excellent ideas for their fortnightly crafts, with a high Goblin Factor. Whakarongo mai nei!
A new segment graces the airwaves- it's the Hobby Goblins (AKA the Top 10's Annabel Kean and Callum Devlin), who competitively craft over a fortnight, and bring their spoils into the studio for Rachel to judge. Losing craft is destroyed live on air- the stakes are high. Whakarongo mai nei!