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The Wire with Justin: December 10, 2020

The Wire with Justin: December 10, 2020

The Wire with Justin: December 10, 2020 The Wire with Justin: December 10, 2020, 96.97 MB
Thursday, December 10, 2020

On their weekly chat, Justin and Minister Responsible for SIS and GCSB Andrew Little discussed about the Royal Commission report into the Christchurch terror attack and its recommendations.

Ayana spoke to National's broadcasting and ethnic communities spokesperson on the report's recommendation to strengthen censoring racist content on film, video and media.

Justin talked to Auckland University's Chris Wilson on the report's effectiveness on preventing the spread of right-wing extremism.

Neighbourhood Watch reports on the federal government's failure to extend a cashless debit card scheme for welfare reciepients, protests against a NSW gas well project, and a failed attempt to block police and prison officers to participate in the Sydney Mardi Gras.