How The Pandemic Continues to Impact the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: August 24, 2021
How The Pandemic Continues to Impact the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: August 24, 2021

On August 14 2021, News and Editorial Director Jemima Huston spoke to Natasha Gallardo, the Chief Executive of the National Foundation for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, about what the government could do to better support those with hearing loss in lockdown. The Foundation called for closed captions to be used more widely, clear masks to be implemented, and for businesses to resource their staff with ways to communicate with the hearing loss community. However, a year later, Natasha says these calls have not been answered by the government.
Today Jemima speaks to Natasha again about how the deaf and hard of hearing community is being impacted by the latest lockdown and how you can support those who struggle with hearing loss through this lockdown period and always.
If you are an essential business owner or someone who wants to learn more about how they can better communicate with those with hearing loss, you can head to the Resources tab on National Foundation for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing website.