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David Seymour's tweeting a Māori vaccination code w/ Dr. Elizabeth Kerekere: September 8, 2021

David Seymour's tweeting a Māori vaccination code w/ Dr. Elizabeth Kerekere: September 8, 2021

David Seymour's tweeting a Māori vaccination code w/ Dr. Elizabeth Kerekere: September 8, 2021 Elizabeth Kerekere: September 8, 2021, 11.57 MB
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Earlier this week, on Monday morning, the Leader of the ACT Party, David Seymour, tweeted out the vaccine access code for Māori people, that allows them to receive the Covid-19 vaccine at Whānau Ora locations, without needing to book in advance. 

The code was sent by Māori health provider Te Whānau o Waipareira through email, as part of a push to lift Māori vaccination rates that are less than two thirds of the non-Māori rate. 

David Seymour has been under scrutiny since tweeting this post. However, he stands by his tweet, and believes that the access code divides New Zealanders against one another. Other politicians, including those from the Māori and Green party disagree, and say that this decision from David Seymour to tweet the access code has resulted in putting people’s lives at risk.

Zazi spoke with Green Party’s Dr. Elizabeth Kerekere to get her perspective on the tweet. 

Zazi began by asking Dr. Kerekere what her reaction was to David Seymour’s tweet.

ACT Party's Brooke van Velden also spoke with Zazi about Seymour's tweet in today's Wednesday Wire show. If you would like to listen to that interview as well, click the link here.