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Global outlook: Risky and unpredictable?

Global outlook: Risky and unpredictable?

Global outlook: Risky and unpredictable? Global outlook: Risky and unpredictable?, 40.57 MB
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Professor John Hewson is an economic and financial expert with experience in academia, business, government, media and the financial system. He has worked as an economist for the Australian Treasury, the Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund and as an advisor to two successive Federal Treasurers and the Prime Minister. He is the former Leader of the Federal Opposition in Australia. In February 2014, Professor Hewson joined the Australian National University as Professor and Chair of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute.

Harry spoke with Hewson ahead of his speech at the University of Auckland on "The overlapping economic challenges and geo-political changes and tensions make the global economic scene riskier and more unpredictable than at any time since the late 1960s". They also took time to chat about NZ's economic place in the world, and the potential implications of the TPPA for this part of the world.