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The Green Desk: Kōura and Whakawheku: 17th September, 2024

The Green Desk: Kōura and Whakawheku: 17th September, 2024 The Green Desk: Kōura and Whakawheku: 17th September, 2024, 12.1 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

This week on the Green Desk, Jack Marshall spoke with freshwater scientist Ian Kusabs about a breakthrough in monitoring kōura, New Zealand’s freshwater crayfish.  

Kusabs, of Ngāti Tūwharetoa, is a busy man, working with The University of Waikato, iwi groups, and NIWA as a freshwater scientist. 

This week Kusabs told the Green Desk about whakaweku, which are bundles of bracken fern, that have proved exceptional at monitoring kōura compared with other methods. 

Wayne Brown’s Second Harbour Bridge Proposal w/ Senior Lecturer of Urban Planning, Dr. Timothy Welch: 17th September, 2024

Wayne Brown’s Second Harbour Bridge Proposal w/ Senior Lecturer of Urban Planning, Dr. Timothy Welch: 17th September, 2024 Timothy Welch: 17th September, 2024, 6.98 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown recently proposed a second bridge across the Auckland harbour, which would go from Point Chevalier to Kauri Point on the North Shore. The new project would be aimed at reducing congestion, however, many are sceptical that it would have any impact due to the lack of existing infrastructure.

Wire host Castor spoke to senior lecturer of urban planning, Dr. Timothy Welch, about the proposal and potential issues with congestion and transport infrastructure.

Proposed changes to the Marine and Coastal Area Act w/ the National Party’s Katie Nimon: 17th September, 2024

Proposed changes to the Marine and Coastal Area Act w the National Party’s Katie Nimon - 17th September, 2024.mp3 mp3, 10.63 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

The government recently announced proposed changes to the Marine and Coastal Area Act, which, among other changes, would require iwi to prove continuous and uninterrupted occupation of a coastal area since 1840 to make a claim. The proposed changes were reviewed by the Waitangi Tribunal, and the resulting report was released yesterday. In their weekly catchup, Wire host Castor asked Katie Nimon about the government’s reaction to criticisms in the report.

They also asked about the government’s policies on Māori wards. Last year the National Party campaigned on putting Māori wards to referendums, with the goal of ‘restoring democracy’. Since asking councils to vote on the issue, all but two of Aotearoa’s local councils have voted to retain their wards. Local government minister Simeon Brown has expressed some discontent at this response, implying that the government may push for binding referendums. 

Wire host Castor spoke to National’s Katie Nimon about these issues in their weekly catchup, starting with the Marine and Coastal Area Act.

The Ear w/ Arno: 17 September, 2024

The Ear w/ Arno: 17 September, 2024 The Ear w/ Arno: 17 September, 2024, 259.55 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

A top selection of funk and disco tunes.

95bFM Breakfast with Jonny: Rātū September 17, 2024

95bFM Breakfast with Jonny: Rātū September 17, 2024 95bFM Breakfast with Jonny: Rātū September 17, 2024, 242.2 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

Catch up on Breakfast! Listen back to Isthmus'n That, the weekly bFM catch up with Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, and learn something new from the smart folks of Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland on Ready Steady Learn

Guest Interview w/ Molly Payton: 17th September, 2024

Guest Interview w/ Molly Payton: 17th September, 2024 Guest Interview w/ Molly Payton: 17th September, 2024, 26.47 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

Elle chatted with Molly Payton about her debut album YOYOTTA! Molly discusses the themes of the album, collaboration with her close friends, and her new experiences performing in the UK. 

Guest Interview w/ Molly Payton: 17th September, 2024

Guest Interview w/ Molly Payton: 17th September, 2024 Guest Interview w/ Molly Payton: 17th September, 2024, 26.47 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

Elle chatted with Molly Payton about her debut album YOYOTTA! Molly discusses the themes of the album, collaboration with her close friends, and her new experiences performing in the UK. 

Dear Science w/ Professor Allan Blackman: 17th September, 2024

Dear Science w/ Professor Allan Blackman: 17th September, 2024 Dear Science w/ Professor Allan Blackman: 17th September, 2024, 25.73 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

On Dear Science this week, our expert Professor Allan Blackman spoke to us about the ten winners of the ig Nobel Prizes. You can read more about them here

WALAO! Interview w/ The Light Beings Network: 17 September, 2024

WALAO! Interview w/ The Light Beings Network: 17 September, 2024 WALAO! Interview w/ The Light Beings Network: 17 September, 2024, 57.73 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

Oto interviewed members of local music and art collective, The Light Beings Network, featuring Ray Leslie and Awggey, to talk about the journey as a group and the plethora of creative endeavours they're involved in. 

WALAO! The Gulo Sessions w/ Oto and Jaycee: 16/17 September, 2024

WALAO! The Gulo Sessions w/ Oto and Jaycee: 16/17 September, 2024 WALAO! The Gulo Sessions w/ Oto and Jaycee: 16/17 September, 2024, 267.72 MB
Tue 17 Sep 2024

For this episode of episode of WALAO! Oto played a variety of Hip-Hop tracks from all across Southeast-Asia. 

He also interviewed some members from the local Tāmaki Makaurau music and arts collective, The Light Beings Network, featuring artists Ray Leslie and Awggey who also joined us in the studio. 

Oto also played some tracks by the Burmese Hip-Hop collective, Rap Against Junta, who use their music as a means of resistance against Myanmar's military dictatorship.